Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Weapon Trial: War Hammer Entity might not be available in game! 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Weapon Trial: Spear Entity might not be available in game! 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Weapon Trial: Bow Entity might not be available in game! 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Weapon Trial: Musket Entity might not be available in game! 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Weapon Trial: Fire Staff Entity might not be available in game! 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Weapon Trial: Life Staff Entity might not be available in game! 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Weapon Trial: Ice Gauntlet Entity might not be available in game! 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Raid: Mother's Tears 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Raid: Old Tidal Cave 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Crusade: Mother's Tears 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Crusade: Old Tidal Cave 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Purge: Mother's Tears 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Purge: Old Tidal Cave 4 - 9 170 5.40 250
Explorers Needed 4 150 4.00 500 40
Explorers Needed 4 150 4.00 500 40
Explorers Needed 4 150 4.00 500 40
Team Effort 4
Team Effort 4
Demon Storm 4 650 18.00
Demon Storm 4 650 18.00
Raid: Dankfur Hollow 3 - 8 140 5.25 250
Plunder: Old Tidal Cave Entity might not be available in game! 3 - 8 950 9.15 250
Crusade: Dankfur Hollow 3 - 8 140 5.25 250
Reclaim: Old Tidal Cave Entity might not be available in game! 3 - 8 950 9.15 250
Purge: Dankfur Hollow 3 - 8 140 5.25 250
Procure: Old Tidal Cave Entity might not be available in game! 3 - 8 950 9.15 250
Lessons of a Pirate's Life 3 500 15.00
Lessons of a Pirate's Life 3 500 15.00
Memories of Grace 3 550 16.00
Memories of Grace 3 550 16.00
Truffle Fever 3 280 4.38 175
Raid: La Roussette 2 - 7 130 5.09 250
Crusade: La Roussette 2 - 7 130 5.09 250
Purge: La Roussette 2 - 7 130 5.09 250
Campfire Feast 2 350 8.00
Campfire Feast 2 350 8.00
Crewmates No More 2 400 10.00
Crewmates No More 2 400 10.00
Amidst the Wreckage 2 450 11.00
Amidst the Wreckage 2 450 11.00
Sole Survivor 1
Reborn into Corruption 1
Hunt: Emberwood 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Dustmeadow 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Werna Isle 1 - 4 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Emberwood 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Dustmeadow 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Werna Isle 1 - 4 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Emberwood 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Dustmeadow 1 - 10 130 4.64 250