15.5% | | | Stam | You have 8.6% more max stamina. |
15.5% | | | Healing | +7.4% Outgoing Healing. |
12.92% | | | Proc | You gain 4.2% of your damage as health. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects. |
6.46% | | | DmgType | +9.5% critical chance. |
5.17% | | | CDR | Reduces max cooldowns by 2.5%. |
5.17% | | | CDR | Reduces active cooldowns by 1.6% after being hit 4 times. Does not trigger off persistent damage, DoT effects or blocked attacks. |
5.17% | | | CDR | Reduces active cooldowns by 0.69% after exiting the dodge animation. |
3.88% | | | Luck | +2.3% chance at rare items from chests and monsters. |
3.1% | | | Mana | You have +17% max mana. |
2.58% | | | Proc | You gain 2.5% mana per hit (cooldown 2s). Does not trigger off persistent damage, DoT effects or blocked attacks. |
2.58% | | | DebuffDur | Poison you apply lasts 25% longer. |
2.58% | | | DebuffDur | Bleed you apply lasts 25% longer. |
2.58% | | | DebuffDur | Burning you apply lasts 25% longer. |
2.58% | | | DebuffDur | Slow you apply lasts 25% longer. |
2.58% | | | DebuffDur | Weaken you apply lasts 25% longer. |
2.58% | | | DebuffDur | Disease you apply lasts 25% longer. |
2.15% | | | DmgType | You deal 4.5% more Nature damage. |
1.08% | | | DmgType | You deal 4.5% more Fire damage. |
1.08% | | | DmgType | You deal 4.5% more Ice damage. |
1.08% | | | DmgType | You deal 4.5% more Void damage. |
1.08% | | | DmgType | You deal 4.5% more Thrust damage. |
1.08% | | | DmgType | You deal 4.5% more Slash damage. |
1.08% | | | DmgType | You deal 4.5% more Strike damage. |
0.22% | | | DmgType | You deal 4.5% more Lightning damage. |
0.22% | | | DmgType | You deal 4.5% more Arcane damage. |