15.59% | | | DmgCon CritHeadshot | +11% critical damage. |
14.14% | | | Critical | +11% critical chance. |
2.38% | | | Skill 2HHammer | If Armor Breaker breaks a block, the next attack within 5 seconds deals 49% additional damage. |
2.38% | | | Skill 2HHammer | Mighty Gavel hits reduce the ability's cooldown by 14%. (Max 2 activations per impact.) |
2.38% | | | Skill 2HHammer | Wrecking Ball penetrates 32% of the target's armor. |
2.38% | | | Skill 2HHammer | Shockwave inflicts Rend, reducing target's damage absorption by 14% for 10 seconds. |
2.38% | | | Skill 2HHammer | Clear Out now knocks targets back an additional 204%. |
2.38% | | | Skill 2HHammer | Heal for 46% of the damage dealt from Path Of Destiny. |
1.71% | | | DmgCategory | +14% Damage to Ancients. |
1.71% | | | DmgCategory | +14% Damage to Angry Earth. |
1.71% | | | DmgCategory | +14% Damage to Corrupted. |
1.71% | | | DmgCategory | +14% Damage to Lost. |
1.7% | | | Proc | Light and Heavy attacks reduce your active weapon cooldowns by 2.8%. |
1.7% | | | Proc | You gain 5% of your damage as health. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects. |
1.7% | | | Proc | On Crit: cause bleed that deals 10% weapon damage per second for 6s. (7s cooldown.) |
1.7% | | | Proc | On Critical: gain 10% Fortify for 3s. (Cooldown 10s.) |
1.7% | | | Proc | On Critical: gain 15% Empower for 5s. (Cooldown 10s.) |
1.7% | | | Proc | On Critical: gain 20% Haste for 10s. (Cooldown 10s.) |
1.7% | | | Proc | Critical strikes against targets below 50% health inflict disease for 6s, reducing healing effectiveness on the target by 24%. |
1.7% | | | Proc | Heavy attacks against targets inflict disease for 8s, reducing healing effectiveness on the target by 24%. |
1.44% | | | DmgCon | Light and Heavy attacks deal 9.6% more damage. |
1.44% | | | DmgCon | +38% Siege Damage. |
1.44% | | | DmgCon | Deal 20% additional damage against targets with active grit. |
1.44% | | | DmgCon | Deal 11% additional damage while you have active grit. |
1.44% | | | DmgCon | Fully charged heavy attacks deal 19% additional damage. |
1.44% | | | DmgCon | Fully charged heavy attacks deal 29% additional Crit damage. |
1.44% | | | DmgCon | Fully charged heavy attacks inflict rend for 7s, reducing target's damage absorption by 14%. (12s cooldown) |
1.44% | | | DmgCon | Fully charged heavy attacks heal the player for 39% of the damage dealt. |
1.41% | | | Threat | You generate 141% more threat. |
1.41% | | | Threat | You generate -42% less threat. (max 99% from all sources.) |
1.25% | | | Elemental Lightning | Basic attack hits trigger a Lightning chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s Cooldown) |
1.25% | | | Elemental Fire | Basic attack hits trigger a Fire chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s Cooldown) |
1.25% | | | Elemental Arcane | Basic attack hits trigger an Arcane chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s Cooldown) |
1.25% | | | Elemental Void | Basic attack hits trigger a Void chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s Cooldown) |
1.25% | | | Elemental Ice | Basic attack hits trigger an Ice chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s Cooldown) |
1.25% | | | Elemental Nature | Basic attack hits trigger a Nature chain that bounces between close targets and deals 15% weapon damage. (2s Cooldown) |
1.25% | | | Elemental Fire | Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 39% base weapon damage as Fire. |
1.25% | | | Elemental Nature | Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 39% base weapon damage as Nature. |
1.25% | | | Elemental Ice | Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 39% base weapon damage as Ice. |
1.25% | | | Elemental Lightning | Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 39% base weapon damage as Lightning. |
1.25% | | | Elemental Void | Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 39% base weapon damage as Void. |
1.25% | | | Elemental Arcane | Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 39% base weapon damage as Arcane. |
1.15% | | | DmgCon | +19% more backstab damage. |
1.09% | | | Blocking | You take 9.6% less stamina damage while blocking. |
0.56% | | | Proc | You gain 2.8% mana per hit. (cooldown 2s). Does not trigger off persistent damage, DoT effects or blocked attacks. |
0.5% | | | OnKill | When you kill something gain 6.8% health. (1s cooldown.) |
0.5% | | | OnKill | When you kill something gain 34 Stamina. (1s cooldown.) |
0.5% | | | OnKill | When you kill something gain 15% Fortify for 10s. (1s cooldown.) |
0.5% | | | OnKill | When you kill something gain 15% Empowered for 20s. (1s cooldown.) |
0.5% | | | OnKill | When you kill something reduce all cooldowns by -10%. (1s cooldown.) |
0.33% | | | OnKill | When you kill something gain 10% Mana. (1s cooldown.) |
0.33% | | | Blocking | You move 20% faster while blocking. |
0.21% | | | DmgCategory | +14% Damage to Beasts. |