Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
White Night Frights 60 2,820 22.50 375
Apex Predators 60 2,820 22.50 375
Prime Specimens 60 2,820 22.50 375
Dogs of War 60 2,820 22.50 375
Defense in Depth (Elite) 60 2,820 22.50 375
Scientific Principles 60 2,820 22.50 375
For Research Purposes 60 2,820 22.50 375
Lock-and-Key 60 2,820 22.50 375
Identify and Secure 60 2,820 22.50 375
Sabotage, Inc 60 2,820 22.50 375
Enemy Technology 60 2,820 22.50 375
Asset Acquisition 60 2,820 22.50 375
Finders Keepers 60 2,820 22.50 375
Finding Fossils 60 2,820 22.50 375
On-Site Incident 60 2,820 22.50 375
Anomalous Behavior 60 2,820 22.50 375
Purge: Syleio Seko 60 2,000 13.80 250
Purge: Hingatirn 60 2,000 13.80 250
Purge: Forecastle Drift (Elite) 60 3,100 23.25 375
Purge: Eternal Pool (Elite) 60 3,100 23.25 375
Purge: Spire of Melpomene (Elite) 60 3,190 23.50 375
Procure: Syleio Seko 60 2,000 13.80 250
Procure: Hingatirn 60 2,000 13.80 250
Procure: Forecastle Drift (Elite) 60 3,100 23.25 375
Procure: Eternal Pool (Elite) 60 3,100 23.25 375
Procure: Spire of Melpomene (Elite) 60 3,190 23.50 375
Specimen Hunt: The Climb 60 2,000 13.80 250
Specimen Hunt: Eternal Pool (Elite) 60 3,290 23.75 375
Specimen Hunt: The Congregation 60 2,000 13.80 250
Assassinate: Sha Makogai 60 2,000 13.80 250
Assassinate: Forecastle Drift (Elite) 60 3,290 23.75 375
Assassinate: Spire of Melpomene (Elite) 60 3,290 23.75 375
Assassinate: Forecastle Drift (Elite) 60 3,290 23.75 375
Assassinate: Forecastle Drift (Elite) 60 3,290 23.75 375
Purge: Ambusti Inferior (Elite) 60 3,100 23.25 375
Purge: Vehemence 60 2,000 13.80 250
Purge: Ambusti Superior (Elite) 60 3,190 23.50 375
Purge: Greater Tribulation (Elite) 60 3,190 23.50 375
Purge: Desolate Cliffs 60 2,000 13.80 250
Purge: Iratus 60 2,000 13.80 250
Purge: Pullus 60 2,070 13.95 250
Purge: Upper Harrow (Elite) 60 3,290 23.75 375
Purge: Fungalitch 60 2,000 13.80 250
Purge: Blight Blister 60 2,000 13.80 250
Purge: Rotfellow Hovel 60 2,000 13.80 250
Purge: Lapsus 60 2,000 13.80 250
Purge: The Tangle (Elite) 60 3,100 23.25 375
Purge: Opulence (Elite) 60 3,190 23.50 375
Purge: Hidden Strain 60 2,000 13.80 250
Purge: Tox 60 2,000 13.80 250