Elite Ancient Amalgam
30 |
Ancient |
Ancient Guardian Regent
30 |
Ancient |
Mossbone Reaver
30 |
Ancient |
Black Bear
30 |
Beast |
Grizzly Bear
30 |
Beast |
Dryad Bear
30 |
Angry Earth |
30 |
Beast |
30 |
Beast |
Strange Boar
30 |
Beast |
30 |
Beast |
30 |
Beast |
Overseer Shervey
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Swordsman
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Bowman
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Cultist
30 |
Corrupted |
Throatcutter the Awakened
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Hound
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Pistoleer
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Axe Thrower
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Butcher
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Hammer Laborer
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Mincer
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Cook
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Lumber Axe Laborer
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Pickaxe Laborer
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Pitchfork Laborer
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Rake Laborer
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Shovel Laborer
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Sickle Laborer
30 |
Corrupted |
Corrupted Skinner
30 |
Corrupted |
Drowned Grenadier
30 |
Lost |
Drowned Mariner
30 |
Lost |
Drowned Sailor
30 |
Lost |
Drowned Quartermaster
30 |
Lost |
Drowned First Mate
30 |
Lost |
Dryad Archer
30 |
Angry Earth |
Dryad Elementalist
30 |
Angry Earth |
Dryad Fighter
30 |
Angry Earth |
Elk Doe
30 |
Beast |
Elk Stag
30 |
Beast |
Varangian Archer
30 |
Human |
Varangian Mage
30 |
Human |
Varangian Battlemaster
30 |
Human |
Varangian Hound
30 |
Human |
Varangian Scout
30 |
Human |
Varangian Guardian
30 |
Human |
Varangian Spearman
30 |
Human |
Sir Inegeld the Scorpion
30 |
Human |
Sir Inegeld The Scorpion
30 |
Human |
Plagued Ghost
30 |
Lost |