Name Perks Rarity Tier Gear Score
Heart of Neitquzah Legendary V 500-600
Heart of Duhetshara Legendary V 500-600
Heart of Maahebgal Legendary V 500-600
Heart of Aviva Legendary V 500-600
Legate's Ring Legendary V 500-600
The First Prophecy Legendary V 500-600
Proferring Passage Legendary V 500-600
Band of Ocean's Oath Can be crafted Epic IV 500
First Spring Token Band Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Smooth Bone Ring Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Featherweight Ring Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Forgotten Vow Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Surgeon's Ring Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Band of Ocean's Oath Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Holy Pledger's Band Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Damp Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Soulbinding Band Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Sharp Static Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Sparking Ring Can be crafted Legendary V 500-600
Goldband of the High Herald Legendary V 500-600
Herald's Finger Curse Legendary V 500-600
Memory of Alec Epic IV 500
Memory of Antonio Epic IV 500
Memory of Jason Epic IV 500
Memory of Stephen Epic IV 500
Oath of Abiogenesis Legendary V 500-600
Ring of Boundaries Epic IV 500
Ring of the Wild Hart Epic IV 500
Signet of the Swamp Legendary V 500-600
Venom's Reign Ring Epic IV 500
Band of the Doomed Lovers Epic IV 500
The Serpent Rock Ring Rare IV 500
Traveller's Guide Band Legendary IV 500
Glory's Vow Ring Epic IV 500
The Hocus Twin Hoop Epic IV 500
Cartographist's Signet Rare IV 500
Slimy Wooden Ring Epic IV 500
Band of Ocean's Oath Epic IV 500
Old Ring
Common V 500-600
Breach Closer's Ring
Common V 500-600
Invasion Ring
Common V 500-600
Siren Queen's Ring
Common V 500-600
Memento of Lost Humanity Legendary V 500-600
Spriggan Root Ring
Common V 500-600
Ring of Avarice
Common V 500-600
Shipyard's Ring Epic V 500-600
Garden's Ring Epic V 500-600
Instrumentality's Ring Epic V 500-600
Myrkgard's Ring Epic V 500-600
Deep Ring Epic V 500-600