Name Perks Rarity Tier
Vial of Sap Uncommon
Draught of Sap Uncommon
Steel Skinners Charm Uncommon
Starmetal Skinners Charm Uncommon
Orichalcum Skinners Charm Uncommon
Sliver of Sparkmetal Uncommon
Shard of Sparkmetal Uncommon
Chunk of Sparkmetal Uncommon
Low Quality Tallow Uncommon
Tallow Uncommon
High Quality Tallow Uncommon
Sliver of Thunderstone Uncommon
Shard of Thunderstone Uncommon
Chunk of Thunderstone Uncommon
Steel Traveler's Charm Entity might not be available in game!
Starmetal Traveler's Charm Uncommon
Orichalcum Travelers Charm Entity might not be available in game!
Small Traveler's Stone Uncommon
Large Traveler's Stone Uncommon
Huge Traveler's Stone Uncommon
Verbena Stem Uncommon
Verbena Leaf Uncommon
Verbena Flower Uncommon
Drop of Viscous Azoth Uncommon
Vial of Viscous Azoth Uncommon
Draught of Viscous Azoth Uncommon
Steel Weaponsmith's Charm Uncommon
Starmetal Weaponsmith's Charm Uncommon
Orichalcum Weaponsmith's Charm Uncommon
Worn Whetstone Uncommon
Whetstone Uncommon
Pristine Whetstone Uncommon
Drop of Withered Essence Uncommon
Vial of Withered Essence Uncommon
Draught of Withered Essence Uncommon
Drop of Wolf Essence Uncommon
Vial of Wolf Essence Uncommon
Draught of Wolf Essence Uncommon
Small Wolf Paw Uncommon
Huge Wolf Paw Uncommon
Strand of Writhing Briar Uncommon
Tangle of Writhing Briar Uncommon
Clump of Writhing Briar Uncommon
Squirming Vines Uncommon
Writhing Vines Uncommon
Thrashing Vines Uncommon
Sliver of Wyrdwood Resin Uncommon
Shard of Wyrdwood Resin Entity might not be available in game!
Chunk of Wyrdwood Resin Entity might not be available in game!
Drop of Wyrdwood Sap Uncommon