Name Title
Gregory Jones Trader
Maximus Marcellus Arena Recruiter
Rufus Gaius (missing map location) Arena Announcer
Tamra Ayad Disgraced Noble
Tamra Ayad Disgraced Noble
Felix Livius Thrillseeker
Jacob Evans Disheartened Porter
Jacob Evans Disheartened Porter
Anwir Hughes Curative Salesman
Anwir Hughes Curative Salesman
Anwir Hughes Curative Salesman
Atticus Delphi Sacco Family Butler
Atticus Delphi Ou Family Musician
Saira Yangandul Ou Family Maid
Concetta Sacco Sacco Matriarch
Ou Shen Ou Patriarch
Faded Formula
Odnell's Requisition
Preserved Scroll
Dusty Locket
Zarra Torner Syndicate Alchemist
Scrawled Notes
Hannos Lembe Settlement Guard
Abandoned Mine Cart
Aulus Fulvius Legatus legionis, Reekwater
Madilon Langlais Herbalist of Reekwater
Kinnao Onizuka Headman of Reekwater
Okolo Afolabi Reekwater Marsh Walker
Roland Abbingdon Antiquarian
Katring Sanders Former Pirate Gunner
Contzel Siegel Marauder Commander
Duarte Santos Syndicate Alchemist
Latai Ngati Covenant Adjudicator
Nelda Horelica Tavernmistress of the Fox's Den
Trong Nguyen Innkeeper of the Dryboot Rest
Gaspar Machera Grand Master Fisher
Cilla Keeper of the Pool
Cilla Keeper of the Pool
Cilla Keeper of the Pool
Cilla Keeper of the Pool
Marcel Dupont Windsward Guard Captain
Marcel Dupont Windsward Guard Captain
Marcel Dupont Windsward Guard Captain
Grace O'Malley Pirate
Grace O'Malley Pirate
Grace O'Malley Pirate
Grace O'Malley Pirate
Grace O'Malley Pirate
Grace O'Malley Pirate
Saatvik Agrawal Quartermaster