Name | Title | |
Rymon Hallock | Adjudicator of Restless Shore |
Niki Andris | Barkeep of Restless Shore |
Laszlo Tomaso | Innkeep of Restless Shore |
Finola O'Connor | Master Fisher of Restless Shore |
Nekumanesh | Small Alligator |
Santiago Salazar | Boatswain of Restless Shore |
Santiago Salazar | Boatswain of Restless Shore |
Myrtilus | Angry Earth |
Caryn Berzs | Naturalist |
Wafa Keles | Wader of Restless Shore |
Xue Tian | Rogue of Restless Shore |
Barnabus Severan | Prefect of New Corsica |
Barnabus Severan | Prefect of New Corsica |
Andrea Clermont | Captain of the Praetorian Guard |
Ambrosius Nikoli | Mercator of New Corsica |
Ambrosius Nikoli | Mercator of New Corsica |
Pontifex Charmion | New Corsica |
Akila Nuru | Pontiff of New Corsica |
Akila Nuru | Pontiff of New Corsica |
Akila Nuru | Pontiff of New Corsica |
Akila Nuru | Pontifex of New Corsica |
Akila Nuru | Pontifex of New Corsica |
Ariel Gideon | Consul of New Corsica |
Ariel Gideon | Consul of New Corsica |
Alaina Kraus | Tribune of New Corsica |
Evandrus Crassus | Tribune of New Corsica |
Evandrus Crassus | Tribune of New Corsica |
Evandrus Crassus | Legatus of New Corsica |
Evandrus Crassus | Legatus of New Corsica |
Maximo | Marauder Commander |
Iolus | Syndicate Alchemist |
Octavia | Covenant Adjudicator |
Lucio | Host |
Stranger (missing map location) | — |
Corsican Guard | — |
Philogus Nicabar | — |
Corsican Speculatores | — |
Publius | — |
Gaius Caeso | — |
Habibah | Host |
@1623_Fisher (missing map location) | — |
Imhotep | Sage of Brimstone Sands |
Imhotep | Sage of Brimstone Sands |
Imhotep | Sage of Brimstone Sands |
Imhotep | Sage of Brimstone Sands |
Imhotep | Pharaoh of Brimstone Sands |
Imhotep | Pharaoh of Brimstone Sands |
Imhotep | Vizier of the Ancients |
Imhotep | Physician of Brimstone Sands |
Imhotep | Physician of Brimstone Sands |