Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Weapon Trial: Great Axe Entity might not be available in game! 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Weapon Trial: War Hammer Entity might not be available in game! 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Weapon Trial: Spear Entity might not be available in game! 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Weapon Trial: Bow Entity might not be available in game! 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Weapon Trial: Musket Entity might not be available in game! 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Weapon Trial: Fire Staff Entity might not be available in game! 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Weapon Trial: Life Staff Entity might not be available in game! 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Weapon Trial: Ice Gauntlet Entity might not be available in game! 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Raid: Silverclaw Cave 20 - 60 680 7.80 250
Hunt: Riverseat 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Hunt: Riverseat 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Hunt: Verdant Crown 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Hunt: Silverclaw Cave 20 - 25 680 7.80 250
Raid: Longshadow Enclave 19 - 24 640 7.65 250
Raid: Ebonrock Cavern 19 - 24 640 7.65 250
Raid: Nettlerest Graveyard 19 - 24 640 7.65 250
Plunder: Ebonrock Cavern 19 - 24 640 7.65 250
Plunder: Nettlerest Graveyard 19 - 60 640 7.65 250
Bounty: Ebonrock Armory 19 - 60 640 7.65 250
Raid: Riverworn Grotto 18 - 23 600 7.50 250
Raid: Canary Mine 18 - 23 600 7.50 250
Raid: Canis 18 - 23 600 7.50 250
Hunt: Bearclaw Pass 18 - 23 600 7.50 250
Raid: Preiddeu Farms 18 - 23 600 7.50 250
Plunder: Preiddeu Farms 18 - 60 600 7.50 250
Bounty: Preiddeu Farms 18 - 60 600 7.50 250
Hunt: Noblereach 18 - 60 600 7.50 250
Raid: Arcturus 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Raid: Leo 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Raid: Norma 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: Sword and Shield Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: Rapier Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: Hatchet Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: Great Axe Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: War Hammer Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: Spear Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: Bow Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: Musket Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: Fire Staff Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: Life Staff Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Weapon Trial: Ice Gauntlet Entity might not be available in game! 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Hunt: Moonshade 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Hunt: Offal Grotto 17 - 22 570 7.35 250
Raid: Lupus 16 - 21 540 7.19 250
Raid: Perseus 16 - 60 540 7.19 250
Trophy Hunt: Divine Rise 16 - 21 540 7.19 250
Raid: Olcott Family Farm 15 - 20 500 7.05 250
Raid: Midnight Den Entity might not be available in game! 15 - 20 170 5.40 250
Raid: Bradbury Fields 15 - 20 170 5.40 250
Plunder: Bradbury Fields 15 - 20 500 7.05 250