Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Crusade: La Roussette 2 - 7 130 5.09 250
Purge: La Roussette 2 - 7 130 5.09 250
Hunt: Emberwood 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Dustmeadow 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Werna Isle 1 - 4 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Emberwood 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Dustmeadow 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Werna Isle 1 - 4 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Emberwood 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Dustmeadow 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Werna Isle 1 - 4 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Primrose 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Greenhaven 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Primrose 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Greenhaven 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Primrose 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Hunt: Greenhaven 1 - 10 130 4.64 250
Defeat Withered Entity might not be available in game! 440 6.75 250
Defeat Wolves Entity might not be available in game! 440 6.75 250
Patrol Territory Entity might not be available in game! 920 12.00 75
Explore and Find Entity might not be available in game! 730 9.00 40
Delivery Entity might not be available in game! 1,250 14.40 75
Patrol Territory Entity might not be available in game! 920 12.00 75
Explore and Find Entity might not be available in game! 730 9.00 40
Delivery Entity might not be available in game! 1,250 14.40 75
This Is The Title Entity might not be available in game! 350 2.25 125
Show of Strength (PvP) 260 2.25 15
Sabotage Entity might not be available in game! 350 6.75 40
Infiltrate (PvP) 350 6.75 40
Stabilize (PvP) 260 2.25 15
Disrupt (PvP) Entity might not be available in game! 350 6.75 40
Gather Intel (PvP) 350 6.75 40
Sanctify (PvP) 260 2.25 15
Tithe (PvP) Entity might not be available in game! 350 6.75 40
Preserve (PvP) 350 6.75 40
Show of Strength (PvP) 260 2.25 15
Sabotage Entity might not be available in game! 350 6.75 40
Infiltrate (PvP) 350 6.75 40
Stabilize (PvP) 260 2.25 15
Disrupt (PvP) Entity might not be available in game! 350 6.75 40
Gather Intel (PvP) 350 6.75 40
Sanctify (PvP) 260 2.25 15
Tithe (PvP) Entity might not be available in game! 350 6.75 40
Preserve (PvP) 350 6.75 40
Show of Strength (PvP) 410 2.60 15
Sabotage Entity might not be available in game! 350 6.75 40
Infiltrate (PvP) 350 6.75 40
Stabilize (PvP) 410 2.60 15
Disrupt (PvP) Entity might not be available in game! 540 7.80 40
Gather Intel (PvP) 540 7.80 40