Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Reclaim: Protea Lair 56 - 60 1,610 13.20 250
Hunt: Ruined Straits 56 - 60 1,610 13.20 250
Show of Strength (PvP) 56 - 60 1,130 4.50 15
Sabotage Entity might not be available in game! 56 - 60 1,500 13.50 40
Infiltrate (PvP) 56 - 60 1,500 13.50 40
Stabilize (PvP) 56 - 60 1,130 4.50 15
Disrupt (PvP) Entity might not be available in game! 56 - 60 1,500 13.50 40
Gather Intel (PvP) 56 - 60 1,500 13.50 40
Sanctify (PvP) 56 - 60 1,130 4.50 15
Tithe (PvP) Entity might not be available in game! 56 - 60 1,500 13.50 40
Preserve (PvP) 56 - 60 1,500 13.50 40
Explorers Needed 56 360 6.80 500 40
Explorers Needed 56 360 6.80 500 40
Blessings of Earth 56 6,180 86.00 150
Juice's Blessing 56 6,180 86.00 100
Snap's Blessing 56 6,180 86.00 100
Ixia's Blessing 56 6,180 86.00 100
Raid: Stormcourt Shipment 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Plunder: Stormcourt Shipment 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Trophy Hunt: Palewind Terrace 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Hunt: Stormcourt Fields 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Bounty: Air Shrine (Elite) 55 - 60 2,330 21.75 375
Raid: Tadeas Stronghold 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Raid: Hydnora 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Raid: Umbrage 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Plunder: Tadeas Stronghold 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Plunder: Hydnora 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Plunder: Umbrage 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Hunt: Bladderwort 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Bounty: Tadeas Stronghold 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Purge: Stormcourt Shipment 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Procure: Stormcourt Shipment 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Specimen Hunt: Palewind Terrace 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Hunt: Stormcourt Fields 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Assassinate: Air Shrine (Elite) 55 - 60 2,330 21.75 375
Purge: Tadeas Stronghold 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Purge: Hydnora 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Purge: Umbrage 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Procure: Tadeas Stronghold 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Procure: Hydnora 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Procure: Umbrage 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Hunt: Bladderwort 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Assassinate: Tadeas Stronghold 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Crusade: Stormcourt Shipment 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Reclaim: Stormcourt Shipment 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Exalted Hunt: Palewind Terrace 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Hunt: Stormcourt Fields 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Smite: Air Shrine (Elite) 55 - 60 2,330 21.75 375
Crusade: Tadeas Stronghold 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250
Crusade: Hydnora 55 - 60 1,550 13.05 250