Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Grasping at Shadows 60 5,630 157.50 30
Corruption-Tinged Fish 60 5,630 157.50 30 250
Ecological Report 60 4,500 112.50 15 250
To Be a Grand Master 60 5,630 157.50 30 175
Baetylus Headpiece (Expedition) 60 20,000 166.25 30
Ultimate Blight Defense (Expedition) 60 20,000 166.25 30
Forging Twilight's Fall 60 6,570 166.25 30
Tower of Terrors 60 6,570 166.25 30
Maw of Corruption 60 6,570 166.25 30
Unhallowed Flesh 60 6,570 166.25 30
Corrupted Forge 60 6,570 166.25 30
Secret of Eridanus 60 6,570 166.25 30
Scorpius 60 6,570 166.25 30
Lost Materials 60 6,570 166.25 30
Weaver's Weave 60 6,570 166.25 30
Forging Boundless Ward 60 6,570 166.25 30
Scorched Mines 60 6,570 166.25 30
Tangled Tribulations 60 6,570 166.25 30
Upper Harrows 60 6,570 166.25 30
Divine Opulence 60 6,570 166.25 30
A Spear to Pierce the Heavens 60 6,570 166.25 30
Recollection of a Journey 60 6,570 166.25 30
Book One: Nostos 60 6,570 166.25 30
Book Two: Elegeia 60 6,570 166.25 30
Book Three: Parodos 60 6,570 166.25 30
Book Four: Akron 60 6,570 166.25 30
Book Five: Istia 60 6,570 166.25 30
Book Six: Pyrgos 60 6,570 166.25 30
Book Seven: Hesukhia 60 6,570 166.25 30
Aria of a Frozen Lament 60 6,570 166.25 30
Frostbitten Cabriole 60 6,570 166.25 30
Icy Arabesque 60 6,570 166.25 30
Seaside Echappé 60 6,570 166.25 30
Glacial Enchainment 60 6,570 166.25 30
Frigid Relevé 60 6,570 166.25 30
Wintry Pirouette 60 6,570 166.25 30
Bitter Battement 60 6,570 166.25 30
Snowy Sissonne 60 6,570 166.25 30
The Tempest's Soul (Expedition) 60 6,570 166.25 30
Isabella De Leon (Expedition) 60 6,570 166.25 30
Isabella's Corruption (Expedition) 60 6,570 166.25 30
Rise of Captain Isabella (Expedition) 60 6,570 166.25 30
Death of the Heretic (Expedition) 60 6,570 166.25 30
The Possession of Russo (Expedition) 60 6,570 166.25 30
Isabella's Madness (Expedition) 60 6,570 166.25 30
Admiral Blackpowder's Fall (Expedition) 60 5,630 157.50 30 250
Mysteries of the Deep (Expedition) 60 5,630 157.50 30 250
Cleansing Treasure (Expedition) 60 5,630 157.50 30 250
Anguine Anguish (Expedition) 60 20,000 166.25 30
Clamorous Vox 60 4,380 166.25 30