Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Avenging Audrey 2,310 96.25 20 100
Bittersweet Memory 1,390 27.50 5 250
The Lovers' Flowers 1,770 67.50 10 100
Lee's Condolences 1,390 27.50 5 175
The Magnum Opus 1,290 60.00 10 100
Reputation is Everything 1,440 62.50 10 175
It's Who You Know 1,620 65.00 10 175
Everyone has a Price 1,770 67.50 10 175
Ever Been Mauled? 900 23.50 5 175
Bragging Rights 1,500 82.25 20 100
Hope in a Bottle 1,440 62.50 10 250
No Time for Wine 1,530 63.75 10 175
Master and Commandaria 2,030 91.00 20 175
Raising the Bar 1,220 26.00 5 250
Cure For What Ails You 1,440 62.50 10 100
The Secret Ingredient 1,530 63.75 10 175
Potions for the People 1,150 25.50 5 175
Bottle It Up 1,080 25.00 5 100
Miner's Keepers 1,080 25.00 5 100
Secrets of the Swamp 3,870 110.00 15 175
Hope Springs Eternal 4,990 155.75 30 250
Paths Unseen 3,990 111.25 15 175
Anatomy of the Heart 5,630 157.50 30 250
Seek and Hide 4,500 112.50 15 175
Secrets Best Left Unshared 5,630 157.50 30 250
An Expanding Threat 4,840 154.00 30 250
Defiance and Doubt 2,910 44.00 7 100
A Hunger for Freedom 2,910 44.00 7 100
Queen's Gambit 4,990 155.75 30 250
Shivering Timbers 5,630 157.50 30 250
Words of Power 4,500 112.50 15 175
A Plan's Deconstruction 5,630 157.50 30 250
The Queen is Dead (Elite) 6,570 166.25 30 250
Long Live the Queen (Elite) 6,570 166.25 30 250
On Floral Fauna 3,870 110.00 15 175
Pruning and Irrigation 3,870 110.00 15 175
New Growth 4,990 155.75 30 250
Excising the Blighted Root 4,990 155.75 30 250
Burden of Atonement 5,630 157.50 30 250
Upstream Investigation 5,630 157.50 30 250
The Eternal Pool (Elite) 6,570 166.25 30 250
The Dryad Promenade (Elite) 6,570 166.25 30 250
In Brightest Light 5,630 157.50 30
Stygian Channel 5,630 157.50 30
Grasping Twilight 5,630 157.50 30
A Stitch of Shade 5,630 157.50 30
In Darkest Shadow 5,630 157.50 30
Power of the Void 5,630 157.50 30
Dusky Focus 5,630 157.50 30
Hold Back the Night 5,630 157.50 30