Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Mountainrise Offensive 6,000 161.00 30
Knowledge is Power 6,190 162.75 30
Blight Resistance 5,100 117.50 15
Path to Myrkgard 6,570 166.25 30
Madaki's Stratagem 6,570 166.25 30
Statuette Stash 5,630 157.50 30 250
End of Her Reign (Expedition) 35,000 157.50 30 250
Flower for the Departed 3,990 111.25 15 175
Ebonscale Alligators 3,560 102.50 10 175
Shrine Cleansing (Elite) 4,840 154.00 30 250
What Makes the Shallows Crimson 4,500 145.25 20 250
Corrupted Critics 4,840 154.00 30 250
Study In Green 3,600 103.75 10 175
Tiger, Tiger 3,990 111.25 15 175
Captain's Orders 4,640 150.50 30 250
Skysong's End 4,990 155.75 30 250
Temple Troubles 4,500 145.25 20 250
Justice For The Dynasty (Expedition) 12,000 18.00 375
The Last Argument 5,630 157.50 30 250
A Stock of Ironwood 5,630 157.50 30 250
Polished to a Shine 5,630 157.50 30 250
A Precision Lock 5,630 157.50 30 250
Handcrafted to Perfection 5,630 157.50 30 250
A Receiver Most Elegant 5,630 157.50 30 250
Quenched in Darkness 5,630 157.50 30 250
Barrels of Unerring Accuracy 5,630 157.50 30 250
Ignition of Sublime Flame 5,630 157.50 30 250
Out of the Frying Pan 2,850 105.00 20 250
Recipe for Disaster 3,270 115.50 20 250
In Search of Plunder 2,690 99.75 20 250
Relics of the Tower 2,740 101.50 20 250
Pirate Island 3,570 122.50 20 250
Explosive Prospecting 2,800 103.25 20 250
Stolen Plans 2,910 106.75 20 250
Lightning in a Bottle 3,190 113.75 20 250
Lightning Unleashed 3,190 113.75 20 250
Toss of a Coin 2,970 108.50 20 250
Heads or Tails (Elite)
Animal Instincts 2,280 75.00 10 175
Snaggletooth 2,850 105.00 20 250
Catnipping 2,370 77.50 10 175
Taming the Lionhearted 2,490 80.00 10 175
Perfect Companion 3,270 115.50 20 250
A Disturbing Silence 2,240 73.75 10 175
Tracking by Teeth 2,240 73.75 10 175
Heart of the Marsh 2,850 105.00 20 250
Bridge to Nowhere 2,190 72.50 10 175
One Bridge too Far 2,730 85.00 10 175
Burning Bridges 2,730 85.00 10 175
Treasure Island 2,370 77.50 10 175