Name Level XP Coins Azoth Standing Points Reward Turn In
Wrapped in Wards 3,870 129.50 20 250
Predestined Perils 4,170 136.50 20 250
Within Fate's Grasp 4,450 143.50 20 250
Facing Destiny 4,580 148.75 30 250
Tracking the Huntress 4,320 140.00 20 250
Collect items used to craft the Huntress 4,320 140.00 20 250
Collect items used to craft the Huntress 4,320 140.00 20 250
Collect items used to craft the Huntress 4,320 140.00 20 250
Collect items then craft the Huntress 4,320 140.00 20 250
Falmea's Wrath 4,320 140.00 20 250
Collect items used to craft Falmea's Wrath 4,320 140.00 20 250
Collect items used to craft Falmea's Wrath 4,320 140.00 20 250
Collect items used to craft Falmea's Wrath 4,320 140.00 20 250
Collect items then craft Falmea's Wrath 4,320 140.00 20 250
Gates of Edengrove 2,930 141.75 20
Gum in the Works 3,630 105.00 10
Gutting the Guard, Firing the Foreman 3,660 106.25 15
Fading Lights 3,630 105.00 10
Azure Tears 3,990 111.25 15
Strength of the Earth 3,560 102.50 10
Diseased Migration 3,870 110.00 15
Threat of Life (Elite) 6,570 166.25 30
Lupine Observations 3,640 124.25 20 250
Pirates Will Pirate 2,910 88.75 10 175
War of the Lost 3,720 126.00 20 250
The Greater Threat 3,790 127.75 20 250
Disarmament (Elite) 3,790 127.75 20 250
Slaying the Shadowslayer 3,870 129.50 20 250
Where The Boars Roam 3,870 129.50 20 250
Scouting Report 3,940 131.25 20 250
Damnation's Fall 4,020 133.00 20 250
Hoppy Trails 3,640 124.25 20 250
Footsteps on the Beach 2,970 90.00 10 175
The True Terror of the Seas 3,030 91.25 10 175
A Pirate's Life 3,030 91.25 10 175
Spined Ammunition 3,210 95.00 10 175
Trail Rations 3,210 95.00 10 175
A Hair's Breadth from Danger 2,910 88.75 10 175
Rule of Tooth and Claw 2,910 88.75 10 175
Treasured Company 3,150 93.75 10 175
Strider of the Sands 4,500 112.50 15 175
Strider of the Sands 4,500 112.50 15 175
Strider of the Sands 4,500 112.50 15 175
The Missing Praetorians 4,500 112.50 15 175
Personal Demons 5,630 157.50 30 250
Duties Maintained 5,630 157.50 30 250
Roar of the Manticore 3,000 112.50 15 175
Audience with the Pontifex 3,600 46.00 7 100
Power of the Gods 2,400 46.00 7 100
The Sleeping Vessels 4,800 115.00 15 175