Thwarting Strikes
Deal 3% additional damage while you have active grit.
Trenchant Strikes
Fully charged heavy attacks deal 3% additional damage.
Trenchant Crits
Fully charged heavy attacks deal 5% additional Crit damage.
Trenchant Rend
Fully charged heavy attacks inflict rend for 7s, reducing target's damage absorption by 4%. (12s cooldown)
Trenchant Recovery
Fully charged heavy attacks heal the player for 10% of the damage dealt.
Physical Aversion
You take 2% less damage from ranged physical attacks.
Elemental Aversion
You take 2% less damage from ranged elemental attacks.
Shirking Flames
Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 5% base weapon damage as Fire.
Shirking Nature
Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 5% base weapon damage as Nature.
Shirking Frost
Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 5% base weapon damage as Ice.
Shirking Lightning
Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 5% base weapon damage as Lightning.
Shirking Abyss
Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 5% base weapon damage as Void.
Shirking Arcane
Dodging through an enemy attack causes your next hit within 6s to deal an additional 5% base weapon damage as Arcane.
Shirking DoT Cleanse
Dodging through an enemy attack while in a light equip load causes you to lose 1 DoT (Bleed, Burn, Poison) debuff. (Can only trigger once every 5 seconds.)
Shirking Debilitate Cleanse
Dodging through an enemy attack while in a medium equip load causes you to lose 1 Debilitate (Rend, Weaken, Exhaust, Disease) debuff. (Can only trigger once every 5 seconds.)
Shirking Fortification
Dodging through an enemy attack grants fortify, increasing damage absorption by 2% for 6s. Each armor piece with this perk increases the potency of the effect.
Critical Retribution
PvP Only: On Crit taken, gain 3% increased crit chance for 7s (20s Cooldown)
Sturdy Energy
When blocking a hit while below 30% stamina, gain 20% increased stamina regen for 6s. (Effect is removed if player becomes exhausted)
Empowering Breaker
When your attacks are blocked, gain a stack of empower, increasing damage by 2% for 5s (5 stacks Max)
Shirking Energy
If a hit is avoided by dodging while in a light equip load, gain 10 stamina (6s cooldown)
Gathering Recovery
While not in combat, After gathering from a node, heal for 50 HP per second for 5. (Removed if any damage is taken)
Lasting Consumption
Food, honing stones, weapon coatings, and ward potions last 5% longer.
Flame Attunement
Attacks deal an additional 18% weapon damage as Fire. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects. (cooldown 1s)
Frost Attunement
Attacks deal an additional 18% weapon damage as Ice. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects. (cooldown 1s)
Arboreal Attunement
Attacks deal an additional 18% weapon damage as Nature. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects. (cooldown 1s)
Abyssal Attunement
Attacks deal an additional 18% weapon damage as Void. Does not trigger off persistent damage or DoT effects. (cooldown 1s)
Flame Conditioning
After being hit with Fire DMG, gain 4% Fire absorption 5s. Each armor piece with this perk increases the potency of the effect.
Frost Conditioning
After being hit with Ice DMG, gain 4% Ice absorption for 5s. Each armor piece with this perk increases the potency of the effect.
Arboreal Conditioning
After being hit with Nature DMG, gain 4% Nature absorption for 5s. Each armor piece with this perk increases the potency of the effect.
Abyssal Conditioning
After being hit with Void DMG, gain 4% Void absorption for 5s. Each armor piece with this perk increases the potency of the effect.
Penetrating Backstab
PvP Only: Backstabs penetrate 27% of a player's armor.
Penetrating Headshot
PvP Only: Headshots penetrate 22% of a player's armor.
Fractured Rend
PvP Only: When block breaking a player, inflict rend, reducing damage absorption by 12% for 4s.
Purifying Crits
PvP Only: Critical hits against players remove 1 buff from the target. (Cooldown 10s)
Exhausted Exploitation
PvP Only: Hits against Exhausted players inflict Slow, reducing movement speed by 15% for 4 seconds.
Alacritous Punishment
PvP Only: Deal 8% additional damage to players with Haste.
Sturdy Fortification
PvP Only: Blocking player attacks adds a stack of 4% fortify for 5s on self for each blocked hit (Max 5 stacks)
Shirking Heals
PvP Only: Successfully dodging an attack heals 100 health + 1% of your max HP. (Each armor piece with this perk adds a stack. Can only trigger once every 5s)
Siege Ward
PvP Only: Receive 6% less damage from Siege weapons.
Mortal Empowerment
PvP Only: Player kills grant a persistent 2% damage bonus that lasts until downed, death, or game mode transitions. Duration refreshes on re-application. (Stacks up to 15 times. This effect can not be cleansed)
Invigorated Punishment
PvP Only: Abilities deal 2% bonus damage per buff on a player. (Max 8 buffs)
Shirking Empower
PvP Only: After successfully dodging an attack obtain Empower, increasing damage dealt by 4% for 10s. Duration refreshes when new stack is applied. (stacks 4 times)
Opening Act
The first three notes played are always perfect.
Second Chance
The first missed note is ignored.
Busker's Blessing
The performer now receives the full tip amount.
Hitting perfect on the final note rewards the player with a 10% Music XP Boost
Playing in a group rewards the player with a 10% Music XP Boost
Playing solo rewards the player with a 10% Music XP Boost
Accelerating Charge
Movement speed is increased by 30% while charging.
Empowering Charge
Outgoing damage is increased by 15% while charging but explosion damage is reduced by 20%.