Name Description Weapon Skill Tree Type
Absolved Life Staff's basic attacks no longer consume mana. Life Staff Healing Passive
Mending Touch Heavy attacks now remove 1 debuff when passing through an ally. Life Staff Healing Passive
Blissful Touch Light attacks now heal for 16% weapon damage when passing through an ally. Life Staff Healing Passive
Revitalize When you hit with a light attack, reduce Life Staff ability cooldowns by 5%. Life Staff Healing Passive
Desperate Speed When you heal an ally below 50% health, Life Staff ability cooldowns are reduced by 10%. (Can only be triggered once every 5s.) Life Staff Healing Passive
Enchanted Justice When hit in battle, activate a healing aura for you and nearby friends in a 4m radius. The aura heals for 8% weapon damage each second for 6s. (Cooldown 120s.) Life Staff Healing Passive
Sacred Protection While holding a Life Staff, increase the amount of incoming healing to all friendlies in your group by 5%. Life Staff Healing Passive
Intensify When you hit with a heavy attack, gain a stacking 10% bonus to healing effectiveness for 10s. (Max 3 stacks.) Life Staff Healing Passive
Divine Blessing When you heal an ally below 50% health, they are healed for 30% more. Life Staff Healing Passive
Orb of Protection Shoot out a light projectile that grants 10% fortify for 20s, heals an ally for 8% of weapon damage, and deals 146% weapon damage when it hits an enemy. (Fortify reduces incoming damage.) Costs 16 Mana. Life Staff Protector Active
Protector's Blessing If Orb of Protection hits an ally, they gain recovery and are healed for 6% weapon damage every second for 10s. Life Staff Protector Passive
Shared Protection If you successfully heal an ally with Orb of Protection, you also gain fortify and recovery. Life Staff Protector Passive
Aegis When this projectile hits, it effects all allies within a 3m radius. Life Staff Protector Passive
Light's Embrace Creates a 0.5m radius area around an ally or a location on the ground that Heals the target within for 80% weapon damage + 15% more for each life staff buff on that target. Costs 18 Mana. Life Staff Protector Active
Inspire When you heal a target with Light's Embrace, that target gains 25 stamina. Life Staff Protector Passive
Connection When you heal a target with Lights Embrace, gain 2% of your max mana for each buff your target has. Life Staff Protector Passive
Magnify When you heal a target with Light's Embrace, extend the duration of Life Staff buffs on that target by 2s. Life Staff Protector Passive
Beacon Shoot out a light projectile that deals 146% weapon damage to enemies, attaches to its target and heals all allies in a 3m radius for 16% weapon damage each second for 10s. Costs 16 Mana. Life Staff Protector Active
Infused Light Beacon's area of effect radius is increased to 4.5m. Life Staff Protector Passive
Radiance's Blessing Beacon lasts 5s longer. Life Staff Protector Passive
Speed of Light Allies in the Beacon AOE now gain 20% haste for 3s. (Haste increases movement speed.) Life Staff Protector Passive
Bend Light After a dodge, your heals are 20% more effective for 5s. Life Staff Protector Passive
Defensive Light When you block a melee attack, gain 5% max mana. Life Staff Protector Passive
Protector's Touch Life Staff's basic attacks grant 15% fortify for 3s when hitting an enemy. (Fortify reduces incoming damage.) Life Staff Protector Passive
Protector's Strength If you have a buff, you heal for 20% more. Life Staff Protector Passive
Balance When you get hit while below 50% health, gain 10% haste for 5s. (Cooldown 20s.) Life Staff Protector Passive
Spirits United Increases mana regeneration for you and group members by 3%. Life Staff Protector Passive
Glowing Focus Life Staff buffs you grant last 20% longer. Life Staff Protector Passive
Power Shot Overload your musket with gun powder, causing the next shot to deal 150% weapon damage. (Does not stack with other overload shots.) Musket Sharpshooter Active
Initial Engagement When you hit with Power Shot, gain empower, increasing damage by 10% for 5s. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
First Blood Power Shot deals 10% additional damage to targets with full health. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Bullseye Power Shot headshots reduce Power Shot's cooldown by 15%. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Powder Burn Overload your musket with gun powder, causing the next shot to deal 110% weapon damage and inflict a burn that deals 20% weapon damage per second for 9s. (Does not stack with other overload shots.) Musket Sharpshooter Active
Backdraft Standard musket shots deal 12% additional damage if they hit a burning target. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Chronic Trauma If Powder Burn is a headshot, the burn duration is extended by 4s. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Shooter's Stance Player enters a crouching aim stance to enhance shooting performance. While in this stance, shots deal 100% weapon damage, mobility is reduced to zero and reload time is reduced by 75%. Shooter's Stance ends after 3 shots. Musket Sharpshooter Active
Shoot More Shots fired before exiting stance increased to 5. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Marksman If 3 consecutive shots hit the same target, reduce all other musket cooldowns by 25%. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Critical Reload Landing 3 headshots within 5s of each other grants an instant reload. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Called Shot Increase musket damage by 5% after aiming down sights for more than 3s. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Greater Accuracy Accuracy penalty while hipfiring removed. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Empowering Headshot On a successful headshot, gain empower, increasing damage dealt by 10% for 5s. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Ballistic Advantage Removes damage fall off from standard musket shots on targets more than 50m away. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Called Shot Resupply Basic attack headshots reduce all musket ability cooldowns by 10%. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Hit Your Mark Standard musket shots deal increased headshot and critical hit damage the further away the target is away from the player. Maximum increase is 15% at or beyond 100m away. (Does not forgo damage fall off.) Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Heightened Precision While aiming, successful hits with a musket grant a stackable 2.5% damage increase. This effect ends when the player stops aiming down sight or after more than 5s passes between shots. (Max 6 stacks.) Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Sniper Adds an optional 3x zoom view when aiming musket shots. Use mouse wheel up or down to adjust zoom while aiming. Also grants a 15% damage increase to all headshots. Musket Sharpshooter Passive
Traps Deploy a trap that lasts for 20s. When triggered, it causes its target to be rooted, immobilizing them for 3s. Musket Trapper Active
Trapped Damage Traps apply rend to targets that trigger them, increasing damage taken by 20% for 3s. Musket Trapper Passive
Scent of Blood Dealing damage to a trapped target heals you for 100% of weapon damage dealt. Musket Trapper Passive