Name Description Tier Item
Ignited Exhilarate Deal +20% increased damage while your health is below 30%, and hits inflict Burn, dealing 8% Fire damage per second for 2s.
Ignited Slash Ward +4% Slash Damage Absorption, and your Fire attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Frozen Exhilarate Deal +20% increased damage while your health is below 30%, aand hits inflict Frostburn, dealing 8% Ice damage per second for 2s.
Frozen Slash Ward +4% Slash Damage Absorption, and your Ice attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Abyssal Exhilarate Deal +20% increased damage while your health is below 30%, and hits inflict Corrosion, dealing 8% Fire damage per second for 2s.
Abyssal Slash Ward +4% Slash Damage Absorption, and your Void attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Electrified Exhilarate Deal +20% increased damage while your health is below 30%, and hits inflict Surge, dealing 8% Lightning damage per second for 2s.
Electrified Slash Ward +4% Slash Damage Absorption, and your Lightning attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Arboreal Exhilarate Deal +20% increased damage while your health is below 30%, and hits inflict Poison, dealing 8% Nature damage per second for 2s.
Arboreal Slash Ward +4% Slash Damage Absorption, and your Nature attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Empowered Exhilarate Deal +20% increased damage while your health is below 30%, and hits inflict Hex, dealing 8% Arcane damage per second for 2s.
Empowered Slash Ward +4% Slash Damage Absorption, and your Arcane attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Punishing Exhilarate Deal +20% increased damage while your health is below 30%, and your Melee attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Punishing Slash Ward +4% Slash Damage Absorption, and your Melee attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Sighted Exhilarate Deal +20% increased damage while your health is below 30%, and your Ranged attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Sighted Slash Ward +4% Slash Damage Absorption, and your Ranged attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Leeching Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and gain +50% of your damage as Health.
Leeching Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and gain +50% of your damage as Health.
Energized Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and gain +800% of your damage as Stamina.
Energized Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and gain +800% of your damage as Stamina.
Siphoning Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and gain +1.5% of your damage as Mana.
Siphoning Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and gain +1.5% of your damage as Mana.
Ignited Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and hits inflict Burn, dealing 8% Fire damage per second for 2s.
Ignited Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and your Fire attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Frozen Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and hits inflict Frostburn, dealing 8% Ice damage per second for 2s.
Frozen Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and your Ice attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Abyssal Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and hits inflict Corrosion, dealing 8% Fire damage per second for 2s.
Abyssal Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and your Void attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Electrified Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and hits inflict Surge, dealing 8% Lightning damage per second for 2s.
Electrified Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and your Lightning attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Arboreal Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and hits inflict Poison, dealing 8% Nature damage per second for 2s.
Arboreal Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and your Nature attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Empowered Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and hits inflict Hex, dealing 8% Arcane damage per second for 2s.
Empowered Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and your Arcane attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Punishing Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and your Melee attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Punishing Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and your Melee attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Sighted Brash +25% damage against targets with full Health, and your Ranged attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Sighted Physical Ward 0% Physical Damage Absorption, and your Ranged attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Leeching Gambit +12% damage while your stamina is not full, and gain +50% of your damage as Health.
Leeching Elemental Ward 2% Elemental Damage Absorption, and gain +50% of your damage as Health.
Energized Gambit +12% damage while your stamina is not full, and gain +800% of your damage as Stamina.
Energized Elemental Ward 2% Elemental Damage Absorption, and gain +800% of your damage as Stamina.
Siphoning Gambit +12% damage while your stamina is not full, and gain +1.5% of your damage as Mana.
Siphoning Elemental Ward 2% Elemental Damage Absorption, and gain +1.5% of your damage as Mana.
Ignited Gambit +12% damage while your stamina is not full, and hits inflict Burn, dealing 8% Fire damage per second for 2s.
Ignited Elemental Ward 2% Elemental Damage Absorption, and your Fire attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Frozen Gambit +12% damage while your stamina is not full, and hits inflict Frostburn, dealing 8% Ice damage per second for 2s.
Frozen Elemental Ward 2% Elemental Damage Absorption, and your Ice attacks do an additional 2% damage.
Abyssal Gambit +12% damage while your stamina is not full, and hits inflict Corrosion, dealing 8% Fire damage per second for 2s.
Abyssal Elemental Ward 2% Elemental Damage Absorption, and your Void attacks do an additional 2% damage.